function init_listeners(state, context) {
window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => keydown(e, state, context));
window.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => keyup(e, state, context));
window.addEventListener('paste', (e) => paste(e, state, context));
context.canvas.addEventListener('pointerdown', (e) => pointerdown(e, state, context));
context.canvas.addEventListener('pointermove', (e) => pointermove(e, state, context));
context.canvas.addEventListener('pointerup', (e) => pointerup(e, state, context));
context.canvas.addEventListener('pointercancel', (e) => pointerup(e, state, context));
//context.canvas.addEventListener('pointerleave', (e) => pointerup(e, state, context));
context.canvas.addEventListener('pointerleave', (e) => pointerleave(e, state, context));
context.canvas.addEventListener('contextmenu', cancel);
context.canvas.addEventListener('wheel', (e) => wheel(e, state, context));
context.canvas.addEventListener('drop', (e) => on_drop(e, state, context));
//context.canvas.addEventListener('dragover', (e) => pointermove(e, state, context));
debug_panel_init(state, context);
function debug_panel_init(state, context) {
document.getElementById('debug-red').checked = state.debug.red;
document.getElementById('do-snap').checked = state.snap !== null;
document.getElementById('debug-print').checked = config.debug_print;
document.getElementById('draw-bvh').checked = config.draw_bvh;
document.getElementById('debug-red').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
state.debug.red = e.target.checked;
schedule_draw(state, context);
document.getElementById('do-snap').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
state.snap = e.target.checked ? 'grid' : null;
document.getElementById('debug-print').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
config.debug_print = e.target.checked;
document.getElementById('draw-bvh').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
config.draw_bvh = e.target.checked;
schedule_draw(state, context);
document.getElementById('debug-begin-benchmark').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
state.canvas.zoom_level = config.benchmark.zoom_level;
state.canvas.offset.x = config.benchmark.offset.x;
state.canvas.offset.y = config.benchmark.offset.y;
const dz = (state.canvas.zoom_level > 0 ? config.zoom_delta : -config.zoom_delta);
state.canvas.target_zoom = Math.pow(1.0 + dz, Math.abs(state.canvas.zoom_level))
state.canvas.zoom = state.canvas.target_zoom;
state.debug.benchmark_mode = true;
const origin_x = state.canvas.offset.x;
const origin_y = state.canvas.offset.y;
const original_button_text = e.target.innerText;
let frame = 0;
state.debug.on_benchmark = () => {
if (frame >= config.benchmark.frames) {
state.debug.benchmark_mode = false;
e.target.disabled = false;
e.target.innerText = original_button_text;
return false;
state.canvas.offset.x = origin_x + Math.round(100 * Math.cos(frame / 360));
state.canvas.offset.y = origin_y + Math.round(100 * Math.sin(frame / 360));
frame += 1;
return true;
e.target.disabled = true;
e.target.innerText = 'Benchmark in progress...';
schedule_draw(state, context);
function cancel(e) {
return false;
function zenmode() {
function enter_picker_mode(state, context) {
if (state.tools.active === 'pencil') { // or other drawing tools
state.colorpicking = true;
const canvasp = screen_to_canvas(state, state.cursor);
update_color_picker_color(state, context, canvasp);
function exit_picker_mode(state) {
if (state.colorpicking) {
state.colorpicking = false;
async function paste(e, state, context) {
const items = (e.clipboardData || e.originalEvent.clipboardData).items;
for (const item of items) {
if (item.kind === 'file') {
const file = item.getAsFile();
await insert_image(state, context, file);
function keydown(e, state, context) {
if (config.debug_print) {
console.debug('keydown', e.code);
const doing_things = (state.moving || state.drawing || state.erasing || state.colorpicking || state.imagemoving || state.imagescaling || state.linedrawing);
if (e.code === 'Space' && !state.drawing) {
state.spacedown = true;
} else if (e.code === 'Tab') {
} else if (e.code === 'ControlLeft' || e.paddingcode === 'ControlRight') {
enter_picker_mode(state, context);
} else if (e.code === 'Slash') {
} else if (e.code === 'KeyZ') {
if (e.ctrlKey) {
queue_event(state, undo_event(state));
} else {
state.zoomdown = true;
} else if (e.code === 'KeyS') {
if (!doing_things) {
switch_tool(state, document.querySelector('.tool[data-tool="pointer"]'));
} else if (e.code === 'KeyD') {
if (!doing_things) {
switch_tool(state, document.querySelector('.tool[data-tool="pencil"]'));
} else if (e.code === 'KeyE') {
if (!doing_things) {
switch_tool(state, document.querySelector('.tool[data-tool="eraser"]'));
} else if (e.code === 'KeyR') {
if (!doing_things) {
switch_tool(state, document.querySelector('.tool[data-tool="ruler"]'));
} else if (e.code === 'Esc') {
cancel_everything(state, context);
function keyup(e, state, context) {
if (config.debug_print) {
console.debug('keydown', e.code);
if (e.code === 'Space' && state.spacedown) {
state.spacedown = false;
state.moving = false;
} else if (e.code === 'ControlLeft' || e.code === 'ControlRight') {
} else if (e.code === 'KeyZ') {
state.zoomdown = false;
function pointerdown(e, state, context) {
// e.pointerType can have three values: "mouse", "pen", "touch"
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/PointerEvent/pointerType
if (e.pointerType === "touch") {
touchstart(e, state, context);
const screenp = {'x': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientX, 'y': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientY};
const canvasp = screen_to_canvas(state, screenp);
const raw_canvasp = {...canvasp};
if (state.snap === 'grid') {
const step = grid_snap_step(state);
canvasp.x = Math.round(canvasp.x / step) * step;
canvasp.y = Math.round(canvasp.y / step) * step;
if (e.button !== 0 && e.button !== 1) {
if (state.zoomdown) {
state.zooming = true;
state.canvas.zoom_screenp = screenp;
if (state.colorpicking) {
const color_u32 = color_to_u32(state.color_picked.substring(1));
state.players[state.me].color = color_u32;
fire_event(state, color_event(color_u32));
if (state.spacedown || e.button === 1) {
state.moving = true;
if (e.button === 1) {
if (state.tools.active === 'pencil') {
canvasp.pressure = Math.ceil(e.pressure * 255);
geometry_start_prestroke(state, state.me);
geometry_add_prepoint(state, context, state.me, canvasp, e.pointerType === "pen");
state.drawing = true;
state.active_image = null;
schedule_draw(state, context);
} else if (state.tools.active === 'ruler') {
state.linedrawing = true;
state.ruler_origin = canvasp;
geometry_start_prestroke(state, state.me);
} else if (state.tools.active === 'eraser') {
state.erasing = true;
} else if (state.tools.active === 'pointer') {
state.imagescaling = false;
state.imagemoving = false;
if (state.active_image !== null) {
// Check for resize first, because it supports
// clicking slightly outside of the image
const image = get_image(context, state.active_image);
const corner = image_corner(state, image, raw_canvasp);
if (corner !== null) {
// Resize
state.imagescaling = true;
state.scaling_corner = corner;
if (corner === 0 || corner === 2) {
} else if (corner === 1 || corner === 3) {
// Only do picking logic if we haven't started imagescaling already
if (!state.imagescaling) {
const image = image_at(context, raw_canvasp.x, raw_canvasp.y);
if (image !== null) {
state.active_image = image.key;
// Allow immediately moving
state.imagemoving = true;
state.image_actually_moved = false;
image.raw_at.x = image.at.x;
image.raw_at.y = image.at.y;
} else {
state.active_image = null;
schedule_draw(state, context);
function update_color_picker_color(state, context, canvasp) {
const stroke_index = bvh_point(state, canvasp);
let color_under_cursor = color_from_rgbdict(context.bgcolor);
if (stroke_index != null) {
color_under_cursor = color_from_u32(state.events[stroke_index].color);
document.querySelector('.picker-preview-inner').style.background = color_under_cursor;
state.color_picked = color_under_cursor;
function pointermove(e, state, context) {
if (e.pointerType === "touch") {
touchmove(e, state, context);
let do_draw = false;
const screenp = {'x': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientX, 'y': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientY};
const canvasp = screen_to_canvas(state, screenp);
const raw_canvasp = {...canvasp};
if (state.snap === 'grid') {
const step = grid_snap_step(state);
canvasp.x = Math.round(canvasp.x / step) * step;
canvasp.y = Math.round(canvasp.y / step) * step;
if (state.tools.active === 'pointer') {
if (state.active_image !== null) {
const image = get_image(context, state.active_image);
const corner = image_corner(state, image, raw_canvasp);
if (state.scaling_corner === null) {
if (corner === 0 || corner === 2) {
} else if (corner === 1 || corner === 3) {
if (state.me in state.players) {
const me = state.players[state.me];
const width = Math.max(me.width * state.canvas.zoom, 2.0);
const radius = Math.round(width / 2);
const brush_screen = canvas_to_screen(state, canvasp);
const brush_x = brush_screen.x - radius - 2;
const brush_y = brush_screen.y - radius - 2;
document.querySelector('.brush-dom').style.transform = `translate(${brush_x}px, ${brush_y}px)`;
if (state.me in state.players && dist_v2(state.players[state.me].cursor, canvasp) > 5) {
state.players[state.me].cursor = canvasp;
fire_event(state, movecursor_event(canvasp.x, canvasp.y));
if (state.colorpicking) {
update_color_picker_color(state, context, canvasp);
if (state.zooming) {
const zooming_in = e.movementY > 0;
const zooming_out = e.movementY < 0;
let zoom_level = null;
if (zooming_in) {
zoom_level = state.canvas.zoom_level + 1
} else if (zooming_out) {
zoom_level = state.canvas.zoom_level - 1;
} else {
if (zoom_level < config.min_zoom_level || zoom_level > config.max_zoom_level) {
const dz = (zoom_level > 0 ? config.zoom_delta : -config.zoom_delta);
state.canvas.zoom_level = zoom_level;
state.canvas.target_zoom = Math.pow(1.0 + dz, Math.abs(zoom_level))
do_draw = true;
if (state.moving) {
state.canvas.offset.x += e.movementX;
state.canvas.offset.y += e.movementY;
// If we are moving our canvas, we don't need to follow anymore
if (state.following_player !== null) {
toggle_follow_player(state, state.following_player);
fire_event(state, movecanvas_event(state));
draw_html(state, context);
do_draw = true;
if (state.imagescaling) {
const image = get_image(context, state.active_image);
scale_image(image, state.scaling_corner, canvasp);
do_draw = true;
if (state.imagemoving) {
const image = get_image(context, state.active_image);
if (image !== null) {
const dx = e.movementX / state.canvas.zoom;
const dy = e.movementY / state.canvas.zoom;
image.raw_at.x += dx;
image.raw_at.y += dy;
if (state.snap === 'grid') {
const step = grid_snap_step(state);
image.at.x = Math.round(image.raw_at.x / step) * step;
image.at.y = Math.round(image.raw_at.y / step) * step;
} else if (state.snap === null) {
image.at.x = image.raw_at.x;
image.at.y = image.raw_at.y;
state.image_actually_moved = true;
do_draw = true;
if (state.drawing) {
canvasp.pressure = Math.ceil(e.pressure * 255);
geometry_add_prepoint(state, context, state.me, canvasp, e.pointerType === "pen");
fire_event(state, predraw_event(canvasp.x, canvasp.y));
do_draw = true;
if (state.erasing) {
const me = state.players[state.me];
const radius = Math.round(me.width / 2);
const last_canvasp = screen_to_canvas(state, state.cursor);
const cursor_bbox = {
'x1': Math.min(canvasp.x, last_canvasp.x) - radius,
'y1': Math.min(canvasp.y, last_canvasp.y) - radius,
'x2': Math.max(canvasp.x, last_canvasp.x) + radius,
'y2': Math.max(canvasp.y, last_canvasp.y) + radius,
tv_ensure(state.erase_candidates, round_to_pow2(state.stroke_count, 4096));
// Rough pass, not all of these might actually need to be erased
bvh_intersect_quad(state, state.bvh, cursor_bbox, state.erase_candidates);
// Fine pass, actually run expensive capsule vs capsule intersection tests
for (let i = 0; i < state.erase_candidates.size; ++i) {
const stroke_id = state.erase_candidates.data[i];
const stroke = state.events[stroke_id];
if (!stroke.deleted && stroke_intersects_capsule(state, stroke, last_canvasp, canvasp, radius)) {
stroke.deleted = true;
bvh_delete_stroke(state, stroke);
queue_event(state, eraser_event(stroke_id));
do_draw = true;
if (state.linedrawing) {
const p1 = {'x': state.ruler_origin.x, 'y': state.ruler_origin.y, 'pressure': 128};
const p2 = {'x': canvasp.x, 'y': canvasp.y, 'pressure': 128};
if (state.online) {
const me = state.players[state.me];
const prestroke = me.strokes[me.strokes.length - 1]; // TODO: might as well be me.strokes[0] ?
prestroke.points.length = 2;
prestroke.points[0] = p1;
prestroke.points[1] = p2;
recompute_dynamic_data(state, context);
do_draw = true;
if (do_draw) {
schedule_draw(state, context);
state.cursor = screenp;
return false;
function pointerup(e, state, context) {
if (e.pointerType === "touch") {
touchend(e, state, context);
const screenp = {'x': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientX, 'y': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientY};
const canvasp = screen_to_canvas(state, screenp);
const raw_canvasp = {...canvasp};
if (state.snap === 'grid') {
const step = grid_snap_step(state);
canvasp.x = Math.round(canvasp.x / step) * step;
canvasp.y = Math.round(canvasp.y / step) * step;
if (e.button !== 0 && e.button !== 1) {
if (state.zooming) {
state.zooming = false;
if (state.imagemoving) {
state.imagemoving = false;
if (state.image_actually_moved) {
state.image_actually_moved = false;
const image = get_image(context, state.active_image);
image.raw_at.x = image.at.x;
image.raw_at.y = image.at.y;
queue_event(state, image_move_event(state.active_image, image.at.x, image.at.y));
schedule_draw(state, context);
if (state.imagescaling) {
queue_event(state, image_scale_event(state.active_image, state.scaling_corner, canvasp.x, canvasp.y));
state.imagescaling = false;
state.scaling_corner = null;
if (state.moving || e.button === 1) {
state.moving = false;
if (e.button === 1) {
if (state.drawing) {
const stroke = geometry_prepare_stroke(state);
if (stroke) {
// TODO: be able to add a baked stroke locally
queue_event(state, stroke_event(state));
schedule_draw(state, context);
fire_event(state, lift_event());
state.drawing = false;
if (state.erasing) {
state.erasing = false;
if (state.linedrawing) {
state.linedrawing = false;
queue_event(state, stroke_event(state));
schedule_draw(state, context);
function pointerleave(e, state, context) {
if (state.moving) {
state.moving = false;
// something else?
function update_cursor(state) {
if (!(state.me in state.players)) {
// we not ready yet
const me = state.players[state.me];
const width = Math.max(me.width * state.canvas.zoom, 2.0);
const radius = Math.round(width / 2);
let svg;
if (state.tools.active === 'pencil' || state.tools.active === 'ruler') {
const current_color = color_from_u32(me.color);
const stroke = (me.color === 0xFFFFFF ? 'black' : 'white');
svg = `<svg style="display: block" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="${width + 4}" height="${width + 4}">
<circle cx="${radius + 2}" cy="${radius + 2}" r="${radius}" stroke="${stroke}" fill="none" stroke-width="3"/>
<circle cx="${radius + 2}" cy="${radius + 2}" r="${radius}" stroke="none" fill="${current_color}" stroke-width="1"/>
</svg>`.replaceAll('\n', ' ');
} else if (state.tools.active === 'eraser') {
const current_color = '#ffffff';
const stroke = '#000000';
svg = `<svg style="display: block" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="${width + 4}" height="${width + 4}">
<circle cx="${radius + 2}" cy="${radius + 2}" r="${radius}" stroke="${stroke}" fill="none" stroke-width="3"/>
<circle cx="${radius + 2}" cy="${radius + 2}" r="${radius}" stroke="none" fill="${current_color}" stroke-width="1"/>
</svg>`.replaceAll('\n', ' ');
document.querySelector('.brush-dom').innerHTML = svg;
const brush_x = state.cursor.x - width / 2 - 2;
const brush_y = state.cursor.y - width / 2 - 2;
document.querySelector('.brush-dom').style.transform = `translate(${Math.round(brush_x)}px, ${Math.round(brush_y)}px)`;
function wheel(e, state, context) {
const screenp = {'x': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientX, 'y': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientY};
const canvasp = screen_to_canvas(state, screenp);
const zooming_in = e.deltaY < 0;
const zoom_level = zooming_in ? state.canvas.zoom_level + 2 : state.canvas.zoom_level - 2;
if (zoom_level < config.min_zoom_level || zoom_level > config.max_zoom_level) {
const dz = (zoom_level > 0 ? config.zoom_delta : -config.zoom_delta);
state.canvas.zoom_level = zoom_level;
state.canvas.target_zoom = Math.pow(1.0 + dz, Math.abs(zoom_level))
state.canvas.zoom_screenp = screenp;
// If we are moving our canvas, we don't need to follow anymore
if (state.following_player !== null) {
toggle_follow_player(state, state.following_player);
fire_event(state, zoomcanvas_event(state, canvasp.x, canvasp.y));
schedule_draw(state, context);
function touchstart(e, state, context) {
// First finger(s) down?
const screenp = {'x': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientX, 'y': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientY};
if (state.touch.events.length === 0) {
// We give a bit of time to add a second finger
state.touch.buffered.length = 0;
'id': e.pointerId,
'x': screenp.x,
'y': screenp.y,
state.touch.drawing = true;
const canvasp = screen_to_canvas(state, screenp);
canvasp.pressure = Math.ceil(e.pressure * 255);
geometry_start_prestroke(state, state.me);
geometry_add_prepoint(state, context, state.me, canvasp, e.pointerType === "pen");
state.touch.waiting_for_second_finger = true;
setTimeout(() => {
state.touch.waiting_for_second_finger = false;
}, config.second_finger_timeout);
} else if (state.touch.waiting_for_second_finger) {
'id': e.pointerId,
'x': screenp.x,
'y': screenp.y,
geometry_clear_newest_prestroke(state, context, state.me);
fire_event(state, clear_event(state)); // Tell others to hide predraws of this stroke
state.touch.drawing = false;
state.touch.moving = true;
schedule_draw(state, context);
function touchmove(e, state, context) {
const changed_touch = state.touch.events.find(ev => ev.id === e.pointerId);
if (!changed_touch) {
if (state.touch.drawing) {
const screenp = {'x': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientX, 'y': window.devicePixelRatio * e.clientY};
const canvasp = screen_to_canvas(state, screenp);
canvasp.pressure = Math.ceil(e.pressure * 255);
geometry_add_prepoint(state, context, state.me, canvasp, false);
fire_event(state, predraw_event(canvasp.x, canvasp.y));
schedule_draw(state, context);
if (state.touch.moving) {
if (state.touch.events.length === 1) {
// Simplified move with one finger
const old_f1 = {...state.touch.events[0]};
state.touch.events[0].x = e.clientX * window.devicePixelRatio;
state.touch.events[0].y = e.clientY * window.devicePixelRatio;
const new_f1 = state.touch.events[0];
const dx = new_f1.x - old_f1.x;
const dy = new_f1.y - old_f1.y;
state.canvas.offset.x += dx;
state.canvas.offset.y += dy;
} else {
const old_f1 = {...state.touch.events[0]};
const old_f2 = {...state.touch.events[1]};
const old_finger_midpoint = mid_v2(old_f1, old_f2);
const old_finger_distance = dist_v2(old_f1, old_f2);
const changed_touch = state.touch.events.find(ev => ev.id === e.pointerId);
changed_touch.x = e.clientX * window.devicePixelRatio;
changed_touch.y = e.clientY * window.devicePixelRatio;
const new_f1 = state.touch.events[0];
const new_f2 = state.touch.events[1];
const new_finger_midpoint = mid_v2(new_f1, new_f2);
const new_finger_distance = dist_v2(new_f1, new_f2);
const new_finger_midpoint_canvas = mid_v2(
screen_to_canvas(state, new_f1),
screen_to_canvas(state, new_f2)
// Ideally, here we would solve for both finger positions
// remaining the same in canvas coordinates. However, we don't
// support canvas rotations, and solving this without rotations
// is impossible (imagine two fingers rotating around a common point).
// Instead, we treat the movement as translation + scale. The translate
// offset is based on the screen-space offset of the midpoint between
// the fingers. The scale is based on the distance between the fingers.
const dx = new_finger_midpoint.x - old_finger_midpoint.x;
const dy = new_finger_midpoint.y - old_finger_midpoint.y;
const old_zoom = state.canvas.zoom;
state.canvas.offset.x += dx;
state.canvas.offset.y += dy;
const scale_by = new_finger_distance / old_finger_distance;
const zc = old_finger_midpoint;
state.canvas.zoom = state.canvas.target_zoom = old_zoom * scale_by;
state.canvas.offset.x = zc.x - (zc.x - state.canvas.offset.x) * state.canvas.zoom / old_zoom;
state.canvas.offset.y = zc.y - (zc.y - state.canvas.offset.y) * state.canvas.zoom / old_zoom;
// If we are moving our canvas, we don't need to follow anymore
if (state.following_player !== null) {
toggle_follow_player(state, state.following_player);
fire_event(state, movecanvas_event(state));
draw_html(state, context);
schedule_draw(state, context);
function touchend(e, state, context) {
const changed_touch_idx = state.touch.events.findIndex(ev => ev.id === e.pointerId);
if (changed_touch_idx === -1) {
// This can happen, becase we don't keep track of touches
// after two fingers are already active
state.touch.events.splice(changed_touch_idx, 1);
if (state.touch.drawing) {
const stroke = geometry_prepare_stroke(state);
if (stroke) {
queue_event(state, stroke_event(state));
schedule_draw(state, context);
fire_event(state, lift_event());
state.touch.drawing = false;
if (state.touch.moving) {
if (state.touch.events.length === 0) {
// Only allow drawing again when ALL fingers have been lifted
state.touch.moving = false;
waiting_for_second_finger = false;
async function on_drop(e, state, context) {
if (e.dataTransfer.files.length !== 1) {
const file = e.dataTransfer.files[0];
await insert_image(state, context, file);
return false;
function cancel_everything(state, context) {