function push_stroke(s, stroke, stroke_index) {
const points = stroke.points;
if (points.length < 2) {
for (let i = 0; i < points.length - 1; ++i) {
const from = points[i];
const to = points[i + 1];
ser_f32(s, from.x);
ser_f32(s, from.y);
ser_f32(s, to.x);
ser_f32(s, to.y);
ser_u32(s, stroke_index);
function geometry_prepare_stroke(state) {
if (!state.online) {
return null;
if (state.players[state.me].points.length === 0) {
return null;
const points = process_stroke2(state.canvas.zoom, state.players[state.me].points);
return {
'color': state.players[state.me].color,
'width': state.players[state.me].width,
'points': points,
'user_id': state.me,
async function geometry_write_instances(state, context, callback) {
state.stats.rdp_max_count = 0;
state.stats.rdp_segments = 0;
const segment_count = await do_lod(state, context);
if (config.debug_print) console.debug('instances:', segment_count, 'rdp max:', state.stats.rdp_max_count, 'rdp segments:', state.stats.rdp_segments);
return segment_count;
function geometry_add_dummy_stroke(context) {
context.stroke_data = ser_ensure_by(context.stroke_data, config.bytes_per_stroke);
ser_u16(context.stroke_data, 0);
ser_u16(context.stroke_data, 0);
ser_u16(context.stroke_data, 0);
ser_u16(context.stroke_data, 0);
function geometry_add_stroke(state, context, stroke, stroke_index, skip_bvh = false) {
if (!state.online || !stroke || stroke.coords_to - stroke.coords_from === 0) return;
stroke.bbox = stroke_bbox(state, stroke);
stroke.area = box_area(stroke.bbox);
context.stroke_data = ser_ensure_by(context.stroke_data, config.bytes_per_stroke);
const color_u32 = stroke.color;
const r = (color_u32 >> 16) & 0xFF;
const g = (color_u32 >> 8) & 0xFF;
const b = color_u32 & 0xFF;
ser_u16(context.stroke_data, r);
ser_u16(context.stroke_data, g);
ser_u16(context.stroke_data, b);
ser_u16(context.stroke_data, stroke.width);
if (!skip_bvh) bvh_add_stroke(state, state.bvh, stroke_index, stroke);
function geometry_delete_stroke(state, context, stroke_index) {
// NEXT: deleted wrong stroke
let offset = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < stroke_index; ++i) {
const event = state.events[i];
if (event.type === EVENT.STROKE) {
offset += (event.points.length * 12 + 6) * config.bytes_per_point;
const stroke = state.events[stroke_index];
for (let i = 0; i < stroke.points.length * 12 + 6; ++i) {
context.static_stroke_serializer.view.setUint8(offset + config.bytes_per_point - 1, 125);
offset += config.bytes_per_point;
function recompute_dynamic_data(state, context) {
let total_points = 0;
let total_strokes = 0;
for (const player_id in state.players) {
const player = state.players[player_id];
if (player.points.length > 0) {
total_points += player.points.length;
total_strokes += 1;
tv_ensure(context.dynamic_instance_points, round_to_pow2(total_points * 2, 4096));
tv_ensure(context.dynamic_instance_pressure, round_to_pow2(total_points, 4096));
tv_ensure(context.dynamic_instance_ids, round_to_pow2(total_points, 4096));
context.dynamic_stroke_data = ser_ensure(context.dynamic_stroke_data, config.bytes_per_stroke * total_strokes);
let stroke_index = 0;
for (const player_id in state.players) {
// player has the same data as their current stroke: points, color, width
const player = state.players[player_id];
for (let i = 0; i < player.points.length; ++i) {
const p = player.points[i];
tv_add(context.dynamic_instance_points, p.x);
tv_add(context.dynamic_instance_points, p.y);
tv_add(context.dynamic_instance_pressure, p.pressure);
if (i !== player.points.length - 1) {
tv_add(context.dynamic_instance_ids, stroke_index);
} else {
tv_add(context.dynamic_instance_ids, stroke_index | (1 << 31));
if (player.points.length > 0) {
const color_u32 = player.color;
const r = (color_u32 >> 16) & 0xFF;
const g = (color_u32 >> 8) & 0xFF;
const b = color_u32 & 0xFF;
ser_u16(context.dynamic_stroke_data, r);
ser_u16(context.dynamic_stroke_data, g);
ser_u16(context.dynamic_stroke_data, b);
ser_u16(context.dynamic_stroke_data, player.width);
stroke_index += 1; // TODO: proper player Z order
context.dynamic_segment_count = total_points;
context.dynamic_stroke_count = total_strokes;
function geometry_add_point(state, context, player_id, point, is_pen) {
if (!state.online) return;
const player = state.players[player_id];
const points = player.points;
if (point.pressure < config.min_pressure) {
point.pressure = config.min_pressure;
if (points.length > 0) {
// pulled from "perfect-freehand" package. MIT
// https://github.com/steveruizok/perfect-freehand/
const streamline = 0.5;
const t = 0.15 + (1 - streamline) * 0.85
const smooth_pressure = exponential_smoothing(points, point, 3);
'x': player.dynamic_head.x * t + point.x * (1 - t),
'y': player.dynamic_head.y * t + point.y * (1 - t),
'pressure': is_pen ? player.dynamic_head.pressure * t + smooth_pressure * (1 - t) : point.pressure,
if (is_pen) {
point.pressure = smooth_pressure;
} else {
recompute_dynamic_data(state, context);
player.dynamic_head = point;
function geometry_clear_player(state, context, player_id) {
if (!state.online) return;
state.players[player_id].points.length = 0;
recompute_dynamic_data(state, context);
function add_image(context, image_id, bitmap, p) {
const x = p.x;
const y = p.y;
const gl = context.gl;
const id = Object.keys(context.images).length;
const entry = {
'texture': gl.createTexture(),
'key': image_id,
'at': p,
'width': bitmap.width,
'height': bitmap.height,
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, entry.texture);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, bitmap);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
function move_image(context, image, dx, dy) {
consol.error('wtf is this');
function scale_image(context, image, corner, canvasp) {
let new_width, new_height;
const old_x2 = image.at.x + image.width;
const old_y2 = image.at.y + image.height;
if (corner === 0) {
image.at.x = canvasp.x;
image.at.y = canvasp.y;
new_width = old_x2 - image.at.x;
new_height = old_y2 - image.at.y;
} else if (corner === 1) {
image.at.y = canvasp.y;
new_width = canvasp.x - image.at.x;
new_height = old_y2 - image.at.y;
} else if (corner === 2) {
new_width = canvasp.x - image.at.x;
new_height = canvasp.y - image.at.y;
} else if (corner === 3) {
image.at.x = canvasp.x;
new_width = old_x2 - image.at.x;
new_height = canvasp.y - image.at.y;
image.width = new_width;
image.height = new_height;
function image_at(context, x, y) {
for (const image of context.images) {
const at = image.at;
const w = image.width;
const h = image.height;
const in_x = (at.x <= x && x <= at.x + w) || (at.x + w <= x && x <= at.x);
const in_y = (at.y <= y && y <= at.y + h) || (at.y + h <= y && y <= at.y);
if (in_x && in_y) {
return image;
return null;
function image_corner(state, image, canvasp) {
const sp = canvas_to_screen(state, canvasp);
const at = canvas_to_screen(state, image.at);
const w = image.width * state.canvas.zoom;
const h = image.height * state.canvas.zoom;
const width = 8;
if (at.x - width <= sp.x && sp.x <= at.x + width && at.y - width <= sp.y && sp.y <= at.y + width) {
return 0;
if (at.x + w - width <= sp.x && sp.x <= at.x + w + width && at.y - width <= sp.y && sp.y <= at.y + width) {
return 1;
if (at.x + w - width <= sp.x && sp.x <= at.x + w + width && at.y + h - width <= sp.y && sp.y <= at.y + h + width) {
return 2;
if (at.x - width <= sp.x && sp.x <= at.x + width && at.y + h - width <= sp.y && sp.y <= at.y + h + width) {
return 3;
return null;
function geometry_gen_circle(cx, cy, r, n) {
const step = 2 * Math.PI / n;
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
const theta = i * step;
const next_theta = (i < n - 1 ? (i + 1) * step : 0);
const x = cx + r * Math.cos(theta);
const y = cy + r * Math.sin(theta);
const next_x = cx + r * Math.cos(next_theta);
const next_y = cy + r * Math.sin(next_theta);
result.push(cx, cy, x, y, next_x, next_y);
return result;
function geometry_gen_quad(cx, cy, r) {
const result = [
cx - r,
cy - r,
cx + r,
cy - r,
cx - r,
cy + r,
cx + r,
cy + r,
cx - r,
cy + r,
cx + r,
cy - r,
return result;
function geometry_gen_fullscreen_grid(state, context, step_x, step_y) {
const result = [];
const width = context.canvas.width;
const height = context.canvas.height;
const topleft = screen_to_canvas(state, {'x': 0, 'y': 0});
const bottomright = screen_to_canvas(state, {'x': width, 'y': height});
topleft.x = Math.floor(topleft.x / step_x) * step_x;
topleft.y = Math.ceil(topleft.y / step_y) * step_y;
bottomright.x = Math.floor(bottomright.x / step_x) * step_x;
bottomright.y = Math.ceil(bottomright.y / step_y) * step_y;
for (let y = topleft.y; y <= bottomright.y; y += step_y) {
for (let x = topleft.x; x <= bottomright.x; x += step_x) {
result.push(x, y);
return result;
function geometry_gen_fullscreen_grid_1d(state, context, step_x, step_y) {
const result = [];
const width = context.canvas.width;
const height = context.canvas.height;
const topleft = screen_to_canvas(state, {'x': 0, 'y': 0});
const bottomright = screen_to_canvas(state, {'x': width, 'y': height});
topleft.x = Math.floor(topleft.x / step_x) * step_x;
topleft.y = Math.floor(topleft.y / step_y) * step_y;
bottomright.x = Math.ceil(bottomright.x / step_x) * step_x;
bottomright.y = Math.ceil(bottomright.y / step_y) * step_y;
for (let x = topleft.x; x <= bottomright.x; x += step_x) {
result.push(1, x);
for (let y = topleft.y; y <= bottomright.y; y += step_y) {
result.push(-1, y);
return result;
function geometry_image_quads(state, context) {
const result = new Float32Array(context.images.length * 12);
for (let i = 0; i < context.images.length; ++i) {
const entry = context.images[i];
result[i * 12 + 0] = entry.at.x;
result[i * 12 + 1] = entry.at.y;
result[i * 12 + 2] = entry.at.x + entry.width;
result[i * 12 + 3] = entry.at.y;
result[i * 12 + 4] = entry.at.x;
result[i * 12 + 5] = entry.at.y + entry.height;
result[i * 12 + 6] = entry.at.x + entry.width;
result[i * 12 + 7] = entry.at.y + entry.height;
result[i * 12 + 8] = entry.at.x;
result[i * 12 + 9] = entry.at.y + entry.height;
result[i * 12 + 10] = entry.at.x + entry.width;
result[i * 12 + 11] = entry.at.y;
return result;
function geometry_generate_handles(state, context, active_image) {
let image = null;
for (const entry of context.images) {
if (entry.key === active_image) {
image = entry;
const x1 = image.at.x;
const y1 = image.at.y;
const x2 = image.at.x + image.width;
const y2 = image.at.y + image.height;
const width = 4 / state.canvas.zoom;
const points = new Float32Array([
// top-left handle
x1 - width, y1 - width,
x1 + width, y1 - width,
x1 + width, y1 + width,
x1 - width, y1 + width,
x1 - width, y1 - width,
// -> top-right
x1 + width, y1,
x2 - width, y1,
// top-right handle
x2 - width, y1 - width,
x2 + width, y1 - width,
x2 + width, y1 + width,
x2 - width, y1 + width,
x2 - width, y1 - width,
// -> bottom-right
x2, y1 + width,
x2, y2 - width,
// bottom-right handle
x2 - width, y2 - width,
x2 + width, y2 - width,
x2 + width, y2 + width,
x2 - width, y2 + width,
x2 - width, y2 - width,
// -> bottom-left
x2 - width, y2,
x1 + width, y2,
// bottom-left handle
x1 - width, y2 - width,
x1 + width, y2 - width,
x1 + width, y2 + width,
x1 - width, y2 + width,
x1 - width, y2 - width,
// -> top-left
x1, y2 - width,
x1, y1 + width,
const ids = new Uint32Array([
0, 0, 0, 0, 0 | (1 << 31),
1, 1 | (1 << 31),
2, 2, 2, 2, 2 | (1 << 31),
3, 3 | (1 << 31),
4, 4, 4, 4, 4 | (1 << 31),
5, 5 | (1 << 31),
6, 6, 6, 6, 6 | (1 << 31),
7, 7 | (1 << 31),
const pressures = new Uint8Array([
128, 128, 128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128,
const stroke_data = serializer_create(8 * 4 * 2);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
ser_u16(stroke_data, 34);
ser_u16(stroke_data, 139);
ser_u16(stroke_data, 230);
ser_u16(stroke_data, 0);
return {
'points': points,
'ids': ids,
'pressures': pressures,
'stroke_data': stroke_data,