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static void
command_regs(struct mi_process proc)
struct mi_registers regs = get_process_registers(proc);
printf("rax = %#018lx rcx = %#018lx\n"
"rbp = %#018lx rbx = %#018lx\n"
"rdx = %#018lx rsi = %#018lx\n"
"rdi = %#018lx rip = %#018lx\n"
"rsp = %#018lx\n",
regs.rax, regs.rcx, regs.rbp, regs.rbx,
regs.rdx, regs.rsi, regs.rdi, regs.rip,
static void
command_step(struct mi_process proc)
int comp_unit;
struct mi_registers regs = get_process_registers(proc);
struct mi_sourcepoint *sp = pc_to_sourcepoint(proc, regs.rip - proc.base_address, &comp_unit);
struct mi_sourcepoint *next_sp;
do {
// TODO: step until source line changes !for active file!
ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, proc.pid, 0, 0);
waitpid(proc.pid, 0, 0);
regs = get_process_registers(proc);
long instruction = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, proc.pid, regs.rip, NULL);
next_sp = pc_to_sourcepoint(proc, regs.rip - proc.base_address, &comp_unit);
if (!next_sp) break;
} while (next_sp->line == sp->line);
print_sourcepoint(proc, comp_unit, next_sp);
static void
command_start(struct mi_process proc)
u64 main_address = proc.base_address + proc.main_address;
long saved_instruction = place_breakpoint_at(proc, main_address);
run_until_breakpoint_and_restore(proc, main_address, saved_instruction);
// TODO: restart if already running/paused
// TODO: process state: not running / running / paused
static void
command_next(struct mi_process proc)
int comp_unit;
struct mi_registers regs = get_process_registers(proc);
struct mi_sourcepoint *sp = pc_to_sourcepoint(proc, regs.rip - proc.base_address, &comp_unit);
struct mi_sourcepoint *next_sp;
do {
// TODO: step until source line changes !for active file!
ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, proc.pid, 0, 0);
waitpid(proc.pid, 0, 0);
regs = get_process_registers(proc);
long instruction = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, proc.pid, regs.rip, NULL);
if (is_call_instruction(instruction)) {
long base_address = regs.rbp;
// NOTE do single step, get return address from stack, place breakpoint there, continue
ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, proc.pid, 0, 0);
waitpid(proc.pid, 0, 0);
regs = get_process_registers(proc);
long return_address = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, proc.pid, regs.rsp, NULL);
// NOTE: disambiguate recursive calls
for (;;) {
long saved_instruction = place_breakpoint_at(proc, return_address);
run_until_breakpoint_and_restore(proc, return_address, saved_instruction);
regs = get_process_registers(proc);
long actual_base_address = regs.rbp;
if (base_address == actual_base_address) {
} else {
// NOTE: step to the next instruction after the return address, so that we can add a breakpoint there
ptrace(PTRACE_SINGLESTEP, proc.pid, 0, 0);
waitpid(proc.pid, 0, 0);
// TODO: repXXX
//printf("%#lx\n", regs.rip - proc.base_address);
next_sp = pc_to_sourcepoint(proc, regs.rip - proc.base_address, &comp_unit);
if (!next_sp) break;
} while (next_sp->line == sp->line);
print_sourcepoint(proc, comp_unit, next_sp);
static void
command_list(struct mi_process proc)
int comp_unit;
struct mi_registers regs = get_process_registers(proc);
struct mi_sourcepoint *sp = pc_to_sourcepoint(proc, regs.rip - proc.base_address, &comp_unit);
print_sourcepoint(proc, comp_unit, sp);
static void
command_cont(struct mi_process proc)
ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, proc.pid, 0, 0);
static void
command_kill(struct mi_process proc)
kill(proc.pid, SIGKILL);
static void
command_backtrace(struct mi_process proc)
struct mi_registers regs = get_process_registers(proc);
struct mi_function *func = get_function_around_pc(proc, regs.rip - proc.base_address);
u64 fb = regs.rbp;
u64 return_address = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, proc.pid, fb + 8, NULL);
printf("%s: %#lx\n", func->name, regs.rip);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
func = get_function_around_pc(proc, return_address - proc.base_address);
if (func) {
printf("%s: %#lx\n", func->name, regs.rip);
fb = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, proc.pid, fb, NULL);
return_address = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, proc.pid, fb + 8, NULL);
static void
command_print(struct mi_process proc, char *name, int name_length)
struct mi_registers regs = get_process_registers(proc);
u64 pc = regs.rip - proc.base_address;
u64 cfa = get_cfa_at_pc(proc, pc);
struct mi_variable *variable = get_variable(proc, name, name_length, pc);
if (cfa && variable) {
u64 address = cfa + variable->location;
long value = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKDATA, proc.pid, address, NULL);
int val4 = value & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF;
printf("%.*s = %d\n", name_length, name, val4);
} else {
printf("Variable %.*s not found\n", name_length, name);