// NEXT: fire events for brush changes document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', main); const config = { ws_url: 'ws://', ping_url: '', image_url: '', sync_timeout: 1000, ws_reconnect_timeout: 2000, brush_preview_timeout: 1000, second_finger_timeout: 500, buffer_first_touchmoves: 5, debug_print: true, min_zoom: 0.01, max_zoom: 100.0, initial_offline_timeout: 1000, default_color: 0x00, default_width: 8, }; const EVENT = Object.freeze({ PREDRAW: 10, SET_COLOR: 11, SET_WIDTH: 12, STROKE: 20, RULER: 21, /* gets re-written with EVENT.STROKE before sending to server */ UNDO: 30, REDO: 31, IMAGE: 40, IMAGE_MOVE: 41, ERASER: 50, }); const MESSAGE = Object.freeze({ INIT: 100, SYN: 101, ACK: 102, FULL: 103, FIRE: 104, JOIN: 105, }); function main() { const state = { 'online': false, 'me': null, 'canvas': { 'offset': { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }, 'zoom': 1.0, }, 'cursor': { 'x': 0, 'y': 0, }, 'sn': 0, 'lsn': 0, 'server_lsn': 0, 'touch': { 'moves': 0, 'drawing': false, 'moving': false, 'waiting_for_second_finger': false, 'first_finger_position': null, 'second_finger_position': null, 'buffered': [], 'ids': [], }, 'moving': false, 'drawing': false, 'spacedown': false, 'moving_image': null, 'current_strokes': {}, 'queue': [], 'events': [], 'tools': { 'active': null, 'active_element': null, }, 'colors': { 'active_element': null, }, 'timers': { 'hide_preview': null, 'offline_toast': null, 'raf': false, }, 'players': {}, }; const context = { 'canvas': null, 'gl': null, 'programs': {}, 'buffers': {}, 'locations': {}, 'textures': {}, 'dynamic_positions': {}, 'dynamic_colors': {}, 'quad_positions': [], 'quad_texcoords': [], 'static_positions': [], 'static_colors': [], 'static_positions_f32': new Float32Array(0), 'dynamic_positions_f32': new Float32Array(0), 'static_colors_u8': new Uint8Array(0), 'dynamic_colors_u8': new Uint8Array(0), 'quad_positions_f32': new Float32Array(0), 'quad_texcoords_f32': new Float32Array(0), 'bgcolor': {'r': 1.0, 'g': 1.0, 'b': 1.0}, 'active_image': null, }; const url = new URL(window.location.href); const parts = url.pathname.split('/'); state.desk_id = parts.length > 0 ? parts[parts.length - 1] : 0; init_webgl(state, context); init_listeners(state, context); init_tools(state); ws_connect(state, context, true); schedule_draw(state, context); state.timers.offline_toast = setTimeout(() => ui_offline(), config.initial_offline_timeout); }