function round_to_pow2(value, multiple) { return (value + multiple - 1) & -multiple; } function screen_to_canvas(state, p) { // should be called with coordinates obtained from MouseEvent.clientX/clientY * window.devicePixelRatio const xc = (p.x - state.canvas.offset.x) / state.canvas.zoom; const yc = (p.y - state.canvas.offset.y) / state.canvas.zoom; return {'x': xc, 'y': yc}; } function canvas_to_screen(state, p) { const xs = (p.x * state.canvas.zoom + state.canvas.offset.x) / window.devicePixelRatio; const ys = (p.y * state.canvas.zoom + state.canvas.offset.y) / window.devicePixelRatio; return {'x': xs, 'y': ys}; } function process_rdp_indices_r(state, zoom, mask, stroke, start, end) { // Looks like the recursive implementation spends most of its time in the function call overhead // Let's try to use an explicit stack instead to give the js engine more room to play with // Update: it's not faster. But it gives more sensible source-line samples in chrome profiler, so I'll leave it let result = 0; const stack = []; stack.push({'start': start, 'end': end}); while (stack.length > 0) { const region = stack.pop(); const max = rdp_find_max(state, zoom, stroke.coords_from, region.start, region.end); if (max !== -1) { mask[max] = 1; result += 1; stack.push({'start': region.start, 'end': max}); stack.push({'start': max, 'end': region.end}); } } return result; } function process_rdp_indices(state, zoom, stroke) { const point_count = stroke.coords_to - stroke.coords_from; if (state.rdp_mask.length < point_count) { state.rdp_mask = new Uint8Array(point_count); } state.rdp_mask.fill(0, 0, point_count); const mask = state.rdp_mask; const npoints = 2 + process_rdp_indices_r(state, zoom, mask, stroke, 0, point_count - 1); // 2 is for the first and last vertex, which do not get included by the recursive functions, but should always be there at any lod level mask[0] = 1; mask[point_count - 1] = 1; return npoints; } function exponential_smoothing(points, last, up_to) { const alpha = 0.5; let pr = 0; let start = points.length - up_to; if (start < 0) { start = 0; } for (let i = start; i < points.length; ++i) { const p = points[i]; pr = alpha * p.pressure + (1 - alpha) * pr; } pr = alpha * last.pressure + (1 - alpha) * pr; return pr; } function process_stroke(state, zoom, stroke) { // Try caching the highest zoom level that only returns the endpoints if (zoom <= stroke.turns_into_straight_line_zoom) { return 2; } const npoints = process_rdp_indices(state, zoom, stroke, true); if (npoints === 2 && zoom > stroke.turns_into_straight_line_zoom) { stroke.turns_into_straight_line_zoom = zoom; } return npoints; } function rdp_find_max2(zoom, points, start, end) { const EPS = 0.125 / zoom; let result = -1; let max_dist = 0; const a = points[start]; const b = points[end]; const dx = b.x - a.x; const dy = b.y - a.y; const dist_ab = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); const sin_theta = dy / dist_ab; const cos_theta = dx / dist_ab; for (let i = start + 1; i < end; ++i) { const p = points[i]; const ox = p.x - a.x; const oy = p.y - a.y; const rx = cos_theta * ox + sin_theta * oy; const ry = -sin_theta * ox + cos_theta * oy; const x = rx + a.x; const y = ry + a.y; const dist = Math.abs(y - a.y) + Math.abs(a.pressure - p.pressure) / 255 + Math.abs(b.pressure - p.pressure) / 255; if (dist > EPS && dist > max_dist) { result = i; max_dist = dist; } } return result; } function process_rdp_r2(zoom, points, start, end) { let result = []; const max = rdp_find_max2(zoom, points, start, end); if (max !== -1) { const before = process_rdp_r2(zoom, points, start, max); const after = process_rdp_r2(zoom, points, max, end); result = [...before, points[max], ...after]; } return result; } function process_rdp2(zoom, points) { const result = []; const stack = []; stack.push({ 'type': 0, 'start': 0, 'end': points.length - 1, }); result.push(points[0]); while (stack.length > 0) { const entry = stack.pop(); if (entry.type === 0) { const max = rdp_find_max2(zoom, points, entry.start, entry.end); if (max !== -1) { stack.push({ 'type': 0, 'start': max, 'end': entry.end }); stack.push({ 'type': 1, 'index': max, }); stack.push({ 'type': 0, 'start': entry.start, 'end': max, }); } } else { result.push(points[entry.index]); } } result.push(points[points.length - 1]); return result; } // TODO: unify with regular process stroke function process_stroke2(zoom, points) { const result = process_rdp2(zoom, points); return result; } function color_to_u32(color_str) { const r = parseInt(color_str.substring(0, 2), 16); const g = parseInt(color_str.substring(2, 4), 16); const b = parseInt(color_str.substring(4, 6), 16); return (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } function color_from_u32(color_u32) { const r = (color_u32 >> 16) & 0xFF; const g = (color_u32 >> 8) & 0xFF; const b = color_u32 & 0xFF; let r_str = r.toString(16); let g_str = g.toString(16); let b_str = b.toString(16); if (r <= 0xF) r_str = '0' + r_str; if (g <= 0xF) g_str = '0' + g_str; if (b <= 0xF) b_str = '0' + b_str; return '#' + r_str + g_str + b_str; } function color_from_rgbdict(color_dict) { const r = Math.floor(color_dict.r * 255); const g = Math.floor(color_dict.g * 255); const b = Math.floor(color_dict.b * 255); let r_str = r.toString(16); let g_str = g.toString(16); let b_str = b.toString(16); if (r <= 0xF) r_str = '0' + r_str; if (g <= 0xF) g_str = '0' + g_str; if (b <= 0xF) b_str = '0' + b_str; return '#' + r_str + g_str + b_str; } function ccw(A, B, C) { return (C.y - A.y) * (B.x - A.x) > (B.y - A.y) * (C.x - A.x); } // function segments_intersect(A, B, C, D) { return ccw(A, C, D) != ccw(B, C, D) && ccw(A, B, C) !== ccw(A, B, D); } function dist_v2(a, b) { const dx = a.x - b.x; const dy = a.y - b.y; return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } function mid_v2(a, b) { return { 'x': (a.x + b.x) / 2.0, 'y': (a.y + b.y) / 2.0, }; } function point_in_quad(p, quad_topleft, quad_bottomright) { if ((quad_topleft.x <= p.x && p.x < quad_bottomright.x) && (quad_topleft.y <= p.y && p.y < quad_bottomright.y)) { return true; } return false; } function point_in_bbox(p, bbox) { if (bbox.x1 <= p.x && p.x < bbox.x2 && bbox.y1 <= p.y && p.y < bbox.y2) { return true; } return false; } function clamp(v, a, b) { return (v < a ? a : (v > b ? b : v)); } function dot(a, b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y; } function mix(a, b, t) { return a * t + b * (1 - t); } function point_in_stroke(p, xs, ys, pressures, width) { for (let i = 0; i < xs.length - 1; ++i) { const ax = xs[i + 0]; const bx = xs[i + 1]; const ay = ys[i + 0]; const by = ys[i + 1]; const at = pressures[i + 0] / 255 * width; const bt = pressures[i + 1] / 255 * width; const pa = { 'x': p.x - ax, 'y': p.y - ay, }; const ba = { 'x': bx - ax, 'y': by - ay, }; const h = clamp(dot(pa, ba) / dot(ba, ba), 0.0, 1.0); const thickness = mix(at, bt, h); const v = { 'x': p.x - (ax + ba.x * h), 'y': p.y - (ay + ba.y * h), }; const dist = Math.sqrt(dot(v, v)) - thickness; if (dist <= 0) { return true; } } return false; } function segment_interesects_quad(a, b, quad_topleft, quad_bottomright, quad_topright, quad_bottomleft) { if (point_in_quad(a, quad_topleft, quad_bottomright)) { return true; } if (point_in_quad(b, quad_topleft, quad_bottomright)) { return true; } if (segments_intersect(a, b, quad_topleft, quad_topright)) return true; if (segments_intersect(a, b, quad_topright, quad_bottomright)) return true; if (segments_intersect(a, b, quad_bottomright, quad_bottomleft)) return true; if (segments_intersect(a, b, quad_bottomleft, quad_topleft)) return true; return false; } function stroke_bbox(state, stroke) { const radius = stroke.width; // do not divide by 2 to account for max possible pressure const xs = state.wasm.buffers['xs']; const ys = state.wasm.buffers['ys']; let min_x = xs[stroke.coords_from] - radius; let max_x = xs[stroke.coords_from] + radius; let min_y = ys[stroke.coords_from] - radius; let max_y = ys[stroke.coords_from] + radius; for (let i = stroke.coords_from + 1; i < stroke.coords_to; ++i) { const px = xs[i]; const py = ys[i]; min_x = Math.min(min_x, px - radius); min_y = Math.min(min_y, py - radius); max_x = Math.max(max_x, px + radius); max_y = Math.max(max_y, py + radius); } return {'x1': min_x, 'y1': min_y, 'x2': max_x, 'y2': max_y, 'cx': (max_x + min_x) / 2, 'cy': (max_y + min_y) / 2}; } function quads_intersect(a, b) { if (a.x1 < b.x2 && a.x2 > b.x1 && a.y2 > b.y1 && a.y1 < b.y2) { return true; } return false; } function quad_fully_inside(outer, inner) { if (outer.x1 < inner.x1 && outer.x2 > inner.x2 && outer.y1 < inner.y1 && outer.y2 > inner.y2) { return true; } return false; } function quad_union(a, b) { return { 'x1': Math.min(a.x1, b.x1), 'y1': Math.min(a.y1, b.y1), 'x2': Math.max(a.x2, b.x2), 'y2': Math.max(a.y2, b.y2), }; } function box_area(box) { return (box.x2 - box.x1) * (box.y2 - box.y1); } // function mulberry32(seed) { let t = seed + 0x6D2B79F5; t = Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 15, t | 1); t ^= t + Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 7, t | 61); return ((t ^ t >>> 14) >>> 0) / 4294967296; } function random_bright_color_from_seed(seed) { const h = Math.round(mulberry32(seed) * 360); const s = 25; const l = 50; return `hsl(${h}deg ${s}% ${l}%)`; } function dot(a, b) { return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y; } function clamp(x, a, b) { return x < a ? a : (x > b ? b : x); } function length(a) { return Math.sqrt(dot(a, a)); } function circle_intersects_capsule(ax, ay, bx, by, p1, p2, cx, cy, r) { // Basically the SDF computation const pa = { 'x': cx - ax, 'y': cy - ay }; const ba = { 'x': bx - ax, 'y': by - ay }; const h = clamp(dot(pa, ba) / dot(ba, ba), 0, 1); const in1 = length({ 'x': cx - (ax + ba.x * h), 'y': cy - (ay + ba.y * h) }); const in2 = (1 - h) * p1 + h * p2; const dist = in1 - in2; return dist <= r; } function stroke_intersects_cursor(state, stroke, canvasp, radius) { const xs = state.wasm.buffers['xs']; const ys = state.wasm.buffers['ys']; const pressures = state.wasm.buffers['pressures']; for (let i = stroke.coords_from; i < stroke.coords_to - 1; ++i) { const x1 = xs[i + 0]; const y1 = ys[i + 0]; const x2 = xs[i + 1]; const y2 = ys[i + 1]; const p1 = pressures[i + 0]; const p2 = pressures[i + 1]; if (circle_intersects_capsule(x1, y1, x2, y2, p1 * stroke.width / 255, p2 * stroke.width / 255, canvasp.x, canvasp.y, radius)) { return true; } } return false; }